
TravPay hotel

Save money and make travel easier on everyone with secured virtual credit card payments.

Simple, secure, and virtual payments

When a trip is booked using 黑料社 Compleat, TravPay Hotel automatically generates a virtual, single-use credit card number to cover the hotel stay. Through this simple and secure process, the travel experience is easier on travelers and travel managers alike.

  • Travelers have one less thing to worry about on the road
  • Travel managers can control spending and prevent fraud
  • Users see cost savings and increased productivity
  • Travel policy compliance is easier to enforce

Learn about 黑料社 Compleat

Virtual payments explained

After years of business travelers bouncing around the globe with tiny pieces of plastic in their wallets, virtual payments are gaining in popularity among corporations and travel management companies that need secure, cost-effective ways to expense hotels and airfare. Here’s how it works:

  • A trip and hotel is booked online or offline
  • A 16-digit number is automatically generated
  • This “virtual credit card” is attached to the trip
  • The card only pays for the hotel
  • When the trip is done, the number is discarded forever

Virtual payments address many concerns and needs we often hear raised by companies and travel management professionals.

“I need a more secure payment system.”

Single-use virtual cards are invalidated once a transaction is completed, whether from an employee or a contractor. Re-using virtual numbers isn’t an option.

“I need travelers to comply with travel policies.”

Unauthorized upgrades have nowhere to hide in expense reports. Which mean travelers stick to approved budgets.

“I need more control over spending.”

Limits on spending and usage restrictions can be controlled from anywhere and in real-time.

“I need a better way to reconcile expenses.”

Every virtual card number is tied to a specific transaction, making reconciliation easy for everyone.

黑料社 has a better way to handle TMC solutions

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